September 20, 2017
Dear Accelerated Valued Customer:
Accelerated reserves the right to assess transportation charges based on volume. Effective October 15th, we will implement a dim factor of 200. Dimensional weight is calculated by multiplying length by width by height (all in inches) and dividing by the dim factor of 200. The total dimensional weight is compared to the actual weight of the shipment. If the dimensional weight is greater than the actual weight, charges are based on the dimensional weight.
Accelerated will make every effort to confirm the dimensions of a shipment while in transit at the request of our customers.
Customers must make arrangements with Accelerated prior to booking any cargo with dimensions deemed oversized. The oversize cargo fee is applicable when the length exceeds 96 (inches) or combined dims exceed 150 (inches). An additional day in transit may be required. The Oversize Charge (OSC) is $75.00 (Minimum) or 30% of revenue before fuel (whichever is greater).
We believe it is important to our customers and to the air cargo industry as a whole, that companies such as Accelerated, Inc. remain fiscally sound. It is the only way that we will be able to supply you with quality service as well as provide a secure future for our employees.
We appreciate your support and look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship as we move forward. If you have any questions concerning our rates or service, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]