October 30th, 2015
Dear Valued Customer:
As a privately owned company, we understand the need to keep costs down while operating efficiently. We constantly search for ways to maximize the value our service provides. From time to time, however, it is necessary to adjust our service rates to compensate for increases in expenses.
Costs are rising. The industry is struggling to attract enough new drivers, forcing companies to raise pay and offer sign-on bonuses. New regulations are being implemented including rules capping emissions and limiting drivers’ hours on the road thus adding to truckers’ expenses. In the near future, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will require all trucks to be equipped with electronic logging devices. E-logs will dramatically decrease capacity.
In addition, the balance of freight moving into Florida vs. the amount of freight coming out continues to cause a severe imbalance within our network. Due to demand inbound we are left running “empty miles” out of this area thus having a major impact on our cost.
Tolls can be a significant cost for motor carriers and are highly dependent on the carrier’s region of operation. Motor carriers that operated in the Northeast had the highest average toll costs while carriers that operated in the West had the lowest toll costs. In the Chicago area higher rates for trucks have arrived due to record setting, multibillion-dollar rebuilding and expansion of the highway system.
Effective December 1st, 2015, we are implementing a surcharge designed to offset cost for tolls in the Northeast/Chicago and empty miles from Florida.
- All shipments inbound Florida will incur a surcharge of 8% per shipment.
- All shipments inbound JFK or outbound ORD will incur a toll surcharge of $10 per shipment.
- All shipments inbound JFK and outbound ORD will incur a toll surcharge at origin and destination.
We greatly appreciate you understanding in this matter. If you have any additional questions please contact your local Terminal Manager or Account Executive located on www.Acceleratedusa.net click on service map and hover your mouse on the dotted icon for each city. Or view our Branch Locations tab @ http://www.acceleratedusa.net/our-branch-locations/
Brook Pearse